Befriending our inner critic
/Our inner critic will get louder when we’re being courageous
Our inner critic will tell us we aren’t good enough just as we are stepping out of our comfort zone
The thing is, our inner critic likes to play it safe
Our inner critic likes to be comfortable
Our inner critic wants us to stay right. where. we. are.
Our inner critic will continue to tell us lie after lie
we aren’t worthy
we’re going to fail
we are selfish
we are wrong
Even if our current reality is no longer serving us anymore
Even if our life feels so very wrong and misaligned
Even if deep down we know it’s time to choose something else
we will end up staying put
we do this because it will always feel more safe to choose a misaligned, yet expected and known life
Than it will to step into the newness and scariness of our unknown future
Regardless of how much your inner critic tells you to stay put, please remember this:
It is in those scary and unknown places where we will grow
Where we will heal
Where we will learn more about ourselves
Where we will realize all that we are truly capable of
Yet our brains will trick us into believing it is safer to stay in a known hell
than it is to step into an unknown potential heaven
I hope today you choose to befriend your inner critic
I hope you kill that inner critic with kindness and love
I hope you remember that your inner critic is only trying to keep you safe
But let me remind you:
you are safe.
it’s okay that this feels so dang scary and hard
I hope you let yourself feel the pain of how hard this is
I hope you release all of the tears you’ve been holding back
I hope you strengthen your relationship with your intuition
I hope you learn to fully trust yourself
I hope you choose to believe in your strength and your grit
I hope you find the courage to go create the life you so deeply deserve
And yes, you DO deserve it
and if there is anyone out there telling you otherwise
they are wrong
Your inner critic is wrong
You are worthy
you are brilliant
you are capable
you are strong
you are full of love and joy and peace
it all starts within you
It all starts with making a different choice today
it all starts with offering yourself the love and the compassion and the patience you so deeply deserve!
So tell me, what is it that you will choose for yourself today?